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CE Compliance

CE marking of windows and doors

CE Marking is a mandatory conformity requirement for products sold in the European Economic Area (EEA) and has been in place since 1993. It shows that the manufacturer has declared that the product meets the requirements of the applicable EU Directive or Regulations.

From July 1st 2013 a very significant and important change took place in regard to the sale and installation of external windows and doors. Since that date, it has become a legal requirement, the same as for the rest of the EEA, that all external windows and doors offered for sale in the United Kingdom are CE Marked.

Conformity of declaration for external window and doors is to be made under the EU Construction Product Regulation, harmonised standard BS EN 14351-1+A1:2010, thereby enabling the affixing of the required CE Mark.

Vufold is proud to inform that its external folding sliding patio doors and French doors meet with the required performance characteristics and are CE marked accordingly, so as a Customer or supplier to customers you can have complete peace of mind when purchasing our products.

What does this mean to you as a customer?

The CE Mark shows that supplied external windows and doors are declared compliant with required performance characteristics, in addition to health, environmental and safety protection requirements of the aforementioned harmonized product standard.

The installation of an external door as of July 1st 2013 without a CE Mark will be determined as an infringement of Construction Product Regulation requirements, and as a consequence, you may be faced with having to remove any door without the CE Mark and replacing it with an approved one. In addition, this may also result in criminal sanctions being taken against the Company making the door available for sale, within the market place.

Local Authority Building Control and Trading Standards have made it clear they will be making sure all new doors and windows carry the CE Mark. In practical terms, any external door set supplied and installed after July 1st 2013 that is not CE Marked will potentially be sold illegally.

The CE marking label

EU Directive 93/86 EEC outlines the requirements of how CE Marking and how it should be affixed to the product. It states that you should be able to see the CE Mark on the product or if that is not possible, then it should be clearly seen on the packaging.

Vufold has always been committed to providing the very highest quality doors and continues to ensure they are consistently tested to the rigorous UK and European standards. This approach has been for the satisfaction of our customers, and we have likewise now formalised the process to enable CE Marking of all our products.

What’s more, along with full instructions for installation, operation and maintenance of each Vufold Bi-folding Door and French Door, every Customer will receive additional required documented details of declared conformance, proving peace of mind that our products comply with EU Regulations.