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Vufold vs Everest: Composite and wooden front doors comparison

David Ross Sales Manager

Author: David Ross - Sales Manager

If your current front door is past its best and you’re considering replacing it with a new design, there are several practical and technical things to consider. These include not only the different materials and finishes available but also the sizing, opening directions, glass options, door furniture and guarantees.

Most of these factors will be dependent on the door manufacturer you use to supply your new front door. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to compare the Ultimate range of wooden front doors from Vufold with the composite and wooden front doors on offer at Everest. Click on one of the links below to jump to that section:

Front doors from Vufold and Everest: Summary

  Vufold Everest
Materials Laminated veneer lumber, insulating foam, five-layer cross-grained hardwood, hardwood veneer.

Wooden: Solid hardwood timber.

Composite: Polyurethane thermally-insulated core, glass reinforced plastic skin.

Glazing 21mm argon-filled double glazing units using low-E toughened safety glass.

Wooden: Triple glazing.

Composite: Double or triple glazing.

Obscure, decorative, toughened, or security laminated.

Size range
  • 1981mm x 762mm
  • 1981mm x 838mm
  • 2032mm x 813mm

Made to measure.

  • Min. height 2000mm, max. height 2200mm
  • Min. width 800mm, max. width 1000mm
Available finishes Fully factory-finished Anthracite Grey or Natural Oak.

Wooden: 12 paint and stain finish options.

Composite: Six 44mm colour options, 19 70mm colour options.

Opening direction Can be reversible or fitted to open inwards or outwards into an existing door frame. Ultimate doors are designed to only open inwards when fitted to a new frame. Inwards or outwards opening.
Price From £469. POA.
Delivery Within three working days. Information not available.
Guarantee 10 years against manufacturing faults.


  • 30 years against rot and fungus on the timber profile
  • 10 years on the whole door
  • Five years against the paint and satin finish


  • 10 years on the door.
  • 10 years against fog and condensation between panes.
Accessories available Frame kits, long bar handles, night latches/hinges, deadlocks, door viewers, post boxes, letterboxes, side panels. Handles (including Smartlock from Yale), knockers, letterboxes and fishing guards, door chains, cabin hooks.

The main differences between Vufold and Everest front doors


Our Ultimate range of front doors are available in three standard sizes and many are also trimmable for an easier fit into existing door frames. Composite and wooden external doors from Everest, however, are made to measure though they do provide some guidance to their minimum and maximum dimensions (see Summary above).


The Ultimate door range is manufactured using an innovative construction of cross-laminated hardwood foam core and hardwood veneer to offer excellent security, durability and thermal efficiency as well as style. Everest wooden front doors are constructed from solid hardwood timber, which makes them strong, durable and reasonably thermally efficient. However, solid wooden doors are heavy and susceptible to deterioration from the weather. Vufold doors are much lighter without compromising on strength.


External wooden doors from Everest are available in 12 paint and stain finish options, including natural shades such as oak and walnut as well more contemporary alternatives like blue, green and red. Their composite doors have even more options, including dual-colour for different shades internally and externally. Vufold Ultimate front doors are fully factory-finished using a three-coat microporous wood finishing system in two timeless shades: Anthracite Grey and Natural Oak.

What to consider when choosing between Vufold and Everest


When choosing between Everest and Vufold, be sure to consider your budget carefully. Everest's pricing is only available upon enquiry and since the company both manufactures and installs its doors, final pricing is less than transparent. Vufold's pricing is clear, concise and affordable given the high quality of materials used in manufacturing.

Door style

The style of Everest's solid wood front doors is far more traditional than Vufold's, which could become dated over time. Vufold's doors are carefully designed to blend tradition and modernity, so they won't be going out of style anytime soon.

Additionally, you should consider whether you're looking for a front door with side panels. Everest wooden doors are not designed to be installed with side panels, but with Vufold, you can add side panels in a range of configurations to make your front door a true focal point.

Delivery and installation

At Vufold, we aim to have your new door delivered to your home within three working days—for free—using our two-man delivery system. Installation of our doors requires advanced joinery skills, so we recommend you employ the service of a trained professional to fit your Ultimate door. Everest provides no guidance on their delivery and installation times, only providing estimates when orders are placed. They install their front doors themselves and will also take away your old door to recycle it.

Frequently asked questions

Why choose a wooden front door with side panels?

Side panels are a great way to increase the amount of natural light in your hallway. Plus, they make for an attractive entranceway that can improve the curb-side appeal of a property. Side panels can also help to fill a wide aperture in instances where you don't want a wooden door that is too big and heavy. While a bifold or patio door system would be suitable for a wide aperture at the rear of a property, it wouldn't be ideal for a front entrance door due to the minimal privacy offered by these designs.

How do you maintain a wooden front door?

Wooden doors should be cleaned with warm water and a mild soap once or twice each year. If there are signs of water ingress and rot, the rotten areas should be chiselled away and filled with a suitable wood filler before being sanded down and sealed. Wooden doors should also be refinished on a regular basis to protect the wood. Try to use the same type of finish as was originally applied to the door, but if this isn’t possible you can sand it down completely before refinishing.

Vufold reviews

David Ross - Sales Manager


David Ross - Sales Manager

About David Ross

David has over 20 years’ experience in the glazing industry across a variety of roles. He joined Vufold in 2012 and his mission is – ‘to make buying windows and doors as easy and stress free as possible’. He is committed to constant improvement and was instrumental in creating our innovative direct-to-consumer e-commerce platform to help grow and expand the business.

Read more about David Ross