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John Collins PortraitJohn Collins Portrait

David Ross

Sales Manager

With over 20 years’ experience across a variety of roles in the glazing industry, David has an uncanny ability to make informed decisions and provide valuable insights that help Vufold maintain the quality of its products and services. His early years in business were spent with a uPVC systems company and a window and door fabricator, so he knows this market very well. Joining Vufold in 2012, he’s fully embraced our mission to make buying windows and doors as easy and stress-free as possible, and he’s proud of what he and the company have achieved since he came on board.

David firmly believes everyone should have access to the highest quality products through a company they can trust, and he was instrumental in creating our innovative direct-to-consumer e-commerce platform. He finds this modern approach to reshaping business both exciting and challenging, but loves what he does – and the passionate, dedicated and supportive team around him. Like everyone in our company, David is committed to improvement and innovation in line with emerging trends, keeping an open mind to new ideas to help grow and expand the business.

An avid reader and lifelong learner, David is always looking for new knowledge and insights, with a particular interest in business, philosophy and history. In his spare time he likes to relax walking in the hills of the Peak District or playing golf.

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