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John Collins PortraitJohn Collins Portrait

Amanda Hewer


Amanda has been with Vufold for around 12 years now, having tried a variety of different, mainly customer focused, roles across a range of industries previously. Here, she’s become Operations Manager after spending time in Customer Service, Sales, Order Processing and our Warehouse; she likes to have a good knowledge of how things work and encourages her team to broaden their outlook, so they can understand the wider picture and how they impact it.

For Amanda, a big attraction of the job is that no two days are ever the same. She also likes the fact that Vufold is small enough to get key decision makers together easily, so things can progress swiftly when they need to – a key part of a culture of constant improvement and making sure each department works autonomously, she believes. She also believes her successful career stems from her keen interest in people – what makes them who they are, how they work and think, what experiences they’ve had and helping them achieve their goals – and for her, one of the keys to being a better people manager was to study counselling.

Aside from continuing to build her skills and knowledge, Amanda spends her spare time reading and drawing alongside spending quality time with her partner. She also confesses to a secret love of buildings and architecture – useful when you work in a business like Vufold!

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